field day
英 [ˈfiːld deɪ]
美 [ˈfiːld deɪ]
- have a field day
- 有展现本领的机会,有机会大干一番(尤指他人不赞同的事)
to be given the opportunity to do sth that you enjoy, especially sth that other people do not approve of - The tabloid press had a field day with the latest government scandal.
- a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering
- a time of unusual pleasure and success
- a day for outdoor athletic competition
- (military) a day for military exercises and display
- The artillery had a field day with the retreating enemy infantry.
炮兵对撤退中的敌军步兵大发威力。 - With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks.
由于鲨鱼数量急剧减少,魟鱼就会趁机吃掉很多扇贝、蛤蜊和牡蛎,使这些物种的数量迅速减少。 - This field day is strictly business.
运动会完全是商业行为。 - In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day
我们不在的时候,办公室里大概谣言四起了吧。 - Now during all of this problems for the personality theory, problems for the body view during all of this, the soul theorist is having a field day.
在这一切之中-,人格理论出现麻烦,身体理论也不免问题丛生,这时灵魂理论者就要窃笑了。 - Privatisation meant a field day for robber barons.
私有化意味着是强盗资本家的户外集训。 - We had a field day talking about our school days.
我们兴高采烈地畅谈学生时代的事。 - Now that our business is picking up, my wife is having a field day buying new things for our house.
如今我们的生意好啦,我太太正心满意足地为新房子采购新用品。 - The Portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of Malacca.
葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。 - And with the outcome of the Clone Wars a foregone conclusion and his character's triumph inevitable, Abercrombie can let his dark side run rampant and have a field day, indeed.